Thursday, 20 November 2014


Yes, I am finally finished my exams! In 9 days I will be graduating high school and hopefully never be going back there (at least not until my younger brother graduates). It is a complete feeling of freedom, I can sleep in as long as I like, stay up as late as my heavy eyelids will let me and fill my days doing whatever I want.
 Before graduation though, we have leavers. Im not sure if every country has this or if its just an Australian thing. But leavers is a time to let loose and finally relax and have a break from the extremely crazy, stressful and hectic year that we've had. A house full of my friends, close to the beach and where i'm sure many memories will be made. It is a time that i'm sure I will never forget. Although 6 girls living in a house together i'm sure will not go completely smoothly, especially with alcohol put into the mix. Here's hoping for an amazing week of bonding, freedom and completely letting loose from all the pressures we've felt throughout this whirlwind of a school year.

Bye for Now
  Jordyn xx

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